United States Marine CorpsUSMC, SIGINT/EW MarinesMarine Cryptologic Support Battalion1st Radio Battalion2nd Radio Battalion3rd Radio Battalion
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Dave Ligon last modified: February 13, 2017
Personal Information:
Member Status: Profile
First MI Last Name: Dave Ligon
Email: DligonLRD_AT_aol_DOT_com
City: Chicago
State: Illinois
ZIP: 60645
Country: United States
Gender: Male
Occupation: Retired
Company Web Site: www.inovasi.us
Years in-out: 1967-1971
Vietnam in-out: 1969, 1970-71
MOS-Language: 2574-Russian/2575
Last Rank: Sgt
Conflicts I was awarded medals
War zone locations - year US Naval Ships - year
  Vietnam: Danang 1970
US CT locations - year Other CT locations - year
  Kaneohe Bay, HI 1971
  Monterey, CA 1968
  Pensacola, FL 1968
  Japan: Kamiseya 1969

USMC Travels:

CoK 12/67-5/68, DLI Monterey 5/68-5/69, CoE Kamiseya, Japan 5/69-6/70 TAD IIIMAF 7/69-9/69,
1stRadBn, RVN 7/70-4/71(CRS DaNang, Camp Horn)

Personal Quote:

"There's not enough shoe polish to color my hair or sandpaper to smooth my face. I am what I
am." Clint Eastwood


Bicycling, motorcycling. Wine drinking.


Blessed with a wife I don't deserve, great children, and 5 wonderful grandchildren. Its been a great ride.

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